Philadelphia Cervical Collar

Philadelphia Cervical Collar

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Philadelphia Cervical Collar

Manufactured by the brand Orliman Ref. CC2503, with two pieces, one posterior and one anterior, both in Plastazote with rigid thermoplastic plates, with a velcro closure system, the upper part is designed to make contact with the lower part of the head through a support occipital and in the chin area. The lower part of the support rests on the shoulders while the front part is under the sternum and the posterior part over the vertebra D5. On the front of the collar there is a tracheal orifice. It is possible to X-ray a patient even with the collar on, as the rivets are made of plastic material.


  • ▪ In situations of severe trauma to the vertebral area, protection after surgery (laminectomy) metastases, and especially upper cervical injuries (C1-C2).

How to know the right measurements for the cervical collar?

  • ▪ 1st - Know the height of the neck, the measurement should be taken below the chin, as explained.
  • ▪ 2nd - Know the perimeter of the neck.


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