Slip for Geniturine Prolapse

Slip for Geniturine Prolapse

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Slip for Geniturine Prolapse

Slip for geniturine prolapse by the brand Orliman® Ref. S-130, is composed of an abdominal band in breathable elastic, with a reinforcement that extends from the posterior area of the buttocks to the lower area of the abdomen, exerting a certain restraint that can be regulated through Velcro, as needed by the patient .


  • ▪ Uterine prolapse.
  • ▪ Prolapsed vagina dome.
  • ▪ Cystocele, both in serious situations or in pregnancy.


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Ana on 2023-01-02 15:34:53

Por gentileza, os Srs. fazem remessa deste produto Slip para prolapso geniturinario para o Brasil? Grata!


Bom dia, infelizmente não enviamos para o Brasil. Peço desculpa. Cumprimentos

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