Learn how you can choose the best anti-sores pillow!
Lying or sitting for a long period of time is not healthy
So for those who are bedridden or use a wheelchair, it is essential to have a good anti-sores pillow. In fact, even for those who have a more sedentary lifestyle or profession, they are highly recommended.
However, it is crucial to know how to choose the best anti-sores pillow according to each person’s needs.
We present to you the main steps to consider in order to make the right choice!
The main objective of
anti-sores pillows
is to prevent and attenuate the appearance of skin sores resulting from pressure/obstruction of the normal blood flow and irregular loads on a certain body area.
Thus, a person who uses a wheelchair, is bedridden, or suffers from hemorrhoids – or if he has someone in his care who suffers from hemorrhoids – should make sure that he knows how to choose a pillow to prevent bedsores and that he always uses it!
Moreover, there are people with sedentary jobs, involving long periods of sitting and no physical activity, who should consider using one of these cushions (or orthopedic support ) in their workplace. This will be a way to ensure more comfort and relieve pain in the coccyx and back, for example.
No two people are alike and each case is a case.
Therefore, the main deciding factor in choosing the best anti-sores pillow will be the type of use you will put it to.
That is, what part of the body the pillow should support and support, as well as where it will be placed: bed, wheelchair, bathtub/shower…
From here you can decide on the shape and material/fill of the pillow.
Choose the format and dimensions
The type and size of the cushion should respond directly to the place where it will be placed.
So the first step will be to clearly identify the type of use that will be given to it, since although there have been “universal” cushions, the formats vary greatly depending on the typology: for mattresses, wheelchairs, bathtubs, or even office chairs.
1 – For beds: body-moldable pillows
If you want to prevent bedsores from developing in a bedridden person, you can opt for different pillows. The main objective will be to distribute and position in different points of the body, ensuring greater relief from the pressure exerted.
Finally, it is important to note that there are solutions with formats that are especially moldable to the body, such as an S-shaped positioning pillow positioning pillow that helps position the torso, sacrum, and trochanter.
2 – For wheelchairs: square cushions
In the case of wheelchair use, square cushions tend to offer more stability than round ones.
A ROHO AIRLITE cushion cushion, for example, is shaped for greater safety in the wheelchair, while the leg guides help maintain a correct posture. In addition, the soft, comfortable foam base has a layer of built-in air cells that allow the pillow to mold to the body.

Among the formats mentioned above, there are also hole, whole, or “honeycomb” type options, as well as specific cushions to place in different areas of the wheelchair.
A upper limb anti-scalp cushion whose shape is specifically designed to be placed on the side support of the wheelchair, is a good example of how the cushion should be chosen according to the type of use it will be put to.
Finally, consider the size and height of the cushion, looking at the preference of the person who will use it and the dimensions of the wheelchair.

3 – For bathtubs, showers and bath chairs: pads with holes or U-shaped
For use in supporting hygiene routines, the bath pillows pads have a hole/hole or U-shape.
This way, the person with reduced mobility will have a safer and more relaxing experience, while guaranteeing all the necessary hygiene and dignity.
4 – For cars, armchairs or offices: round, square or cushion cushions
If the use of anti-sores pads is related more to comfort and not directly to mobility, the range of options is much wider. The cushion type cushion are among the most suggested.
They can even be considered orthopedic pillows and posture correctors.
Choose the material
Once you know what you are going to use it for, the next step is to choose the best material/fill depending on each person’s needs.
In general, the following materials can be recommended:
1 – Bedridden people: gel cushions
For bedridden people, in any age group, the gel pillows are an essential complement to orthopedic mattresses.
Due to the characteristics of the filling material, this pillow is very soft and comfortable, adapting to the silhouette of the body. The gel will fill the areas where the body has less contact with the mattress surface, relieving pressure and preventing bedsores.
This is a versatile type of cushion, as it can be carried and used anywhere, including for maintaining sitting posture.

2 – People with reduced mobility/wheelchair: air cushions
Air cushions are distinguished from the rest by the fact that it is possible to inflate them according to the tastes and needs of each person.
Ideally, they should be filled with air to a point where they remain pliable and easily adjustable to the movements of the person sitting in the wheelchair. The more air, the less adaptability to the body and the harder the cushion will be.
In addition, they are extremely lightweight cushions, which is important to facilitate mobility and support for the person driving the wheelchair.
A Polyair anti-sores air cushion air cushion is particularly suitable for patients in pressure ulcer situations. Individual air cells in the shape of “honeycombs” allow the contact surface to be optimized, ensuring maximum stability and prevention.

It is the only pillow that has a pump with a pressure gauge, for a more precise and effective filling, according to medical recommendations and greater comfort for the user.
Generally, this is an option that represents a higher investment, but with guaranteed maximum result and comfort!
3 – People in wheelchairs: viscoelastic cushions
Viscoelastic cushions mold to the shape of the body, returning to their original form when pressure is no longer applied. They are, therefore, sturdy orthopedic cushions that provide support for the body.
One viscoelastic gel pillow from Systam has elasticity, so it feels like a second layer of skin. In other words, it is completely adaptable and comfortable at the level of the sacrum, providing maximum support without compression. This reduces the risk of pressure ulcers: bedsores.

In addition, another characteristic of viscoelastic pillows pillows is that they are hypoallergenic and easily washable.
O Viscoelastic Square Cushion from Orthia adapts perfectly to the user’s anatomy, maximizing the support surface and distributing pressure evenly. It is also an example of a pillow whose outer cover, made of cotton or waterproof fabric, is easily removable and washable up to 30 degrees.
Finally, for those looking for a more economical solution that prevents bedsores from occurring as a result of prolonged wheelchair use, this is the indicated option.

Anti-bedsore pads are preventive equipment for the appearance of bedsores.
To ensure the highest level of comfort, pressure relief and posture control, you should choose the one that best suits your needs from the wide range of
anti-sores pillows
viscoelastic foam and gel pillows on the market.
If in doubt, you should not hesitate to seek a professional opinion!
At Loja Ortopédica we have a specialized team available to advise you on the best selection of products, depending on your health case.
Visit the orthopedic store and discover various products that will help prevent, treat, and even relieve the pain caused byjoankets.
Loja Ortopédica ® – We know and have what you need!
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