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Bathing Chairs for Seniors – Learn about prices and advantages!

The shower chairs are essential devices for people who have mobility difficulties, such as the elderly.

Because of the risk of falls (which can even cause serious accidents), elderly people and people with reduced mobility tend to be afraid of bathing unattended and consequently decrease the frequency of their baths, especially full baths.

However, bathing is a central part of daily life, especially for the elderly, as it helps maintain good hygiene and prevents the appearance of infections and sores.

In today’s article, we explore elderly bath chairs : prices, advantages, features, what to consider when buying, and what the main advantages are for their users.


Bathing chairs are practical, useful devices that will make the daily lives of their users easier, but don’t be fooled if you think they are only beneficial for the elderly.

People with mobility and locomotion limitations, who have difficulty standing during bathing time, who have suffered from loss of balance, who feel insecure about bathing unaccompanied, or who are going through a phase of physical rehabilitation.


1. improves hygiene

Bathing, longer or shorter, is part of our daily routine. So it is natural that when patients become more or less debilitated (temporarily or permanently) they miss the time of day dedicated to hygiene.

Daily and frequent cleaning should not be ruled out, even if the wearer does not engage in intense physical activity that could lead to bad smells. Careful hygiene removes body dirt, prevents the appearance of ulcers and infections, and prevents the proliferation of fungus. In addition, it can be seen as a moment dedicated to relaxation, relaxation, and self-love.

With a shower chair, users will once again feel safe and at ease when bathing, enjoying rest and cleanliness again without the fears caused by physical limitations.

2. Bathing chairs for the elderly increase their autonomy and self-esteem

Losing mobility or the ability to move around is a complicated time for those who go through it: adapting to a new routine, new people, and new devices can lead to moments of frustration and low self-esteem.

Caregivers, family members, and healthcare professionals play a key role in the adaptation process and should encourage the wearer to resume his or her life, adopting the devices he or she needs to regain autonomy and privacy, for example, in the bathroom.

Although in some cases it is difficult to accept that they need a bath equipment, the return to normality, to routine, the constant moments of overcoming and gradually regaining autonomy will reflect in an increase in quality of life, self-esteem and self-satisfaction, as well as in the feeling of self-fulfillment.

3. More complete and equally safe baths

For a long time, bedridden patients, elderly people with mobility and locomotion difficulties, or people undergoing physical rehabilitation left the cleaning of the body only for the intimate parts, using a damp cloth for the rest of the body. Today, everything is different.

Thanks to technological developments, these people can now enjoy complete and safe bathing thanks to devices such as shower chairs. In this way, it is possible to make bathing a recurring and safe habit again.

The shower chairs will allow the elderly to regain self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as the hygiene habits that are fundamental to their health and well-being.


If you are looking for a bath chair for seniors, you have probably come across several brands and models. Learn what elements to consider when choosing a new bath aid chair:

  • The user’s need. Is it someone with some mobility limitations or completely dependent? For example, shower chairs with small wheels are more suitable for people who are going to have some sort of assistance. On the other hand, larger wheelchairs can be moved by the user himself. Other models also include bins that collect body waste and armrests. It all depends on the needs of the user.
  • Material. There are shower chairs in many different materials, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and PVC. Basically, what you need to know is that steel chairs have a tendency to rust. Aluminum or PVC chairs, on the other hand, are lighter, more durable, and can have direct contact with soap and water without suffering from wear and tear or oxidation.

The weight of the wearer. People with walking difficulties and above-average weight need sturdier chairs that can support them during bathing time and without safety risks. If this is the case for you, you should know that there are larger, reinforced models on the market that can support the weight of heavier users.


The price of shower chairs for the elderly varies depending on the equipment. As you have seen, there are more and less resistant materials, with better and more complete features. It all depends on your budget and the needs that the shower chair has to meet.

Still, the price of bathing chairs starts at 40€ and can reach 800€. Check out some models available at Loja Ortopédica.

Elderly Bathing Chair – Swivel Model

A Prim’s Bathing Chair for the Elderly guarantees an easy and practical transfer, allowing you to turn the patient inside the bathtub effortlessly.

Structure in steel tube and seat and back in polyethylene;

  • Armrest for extra safety;
  • 360º rotation with 4 locking positions;
  • It allows for total user cleanliness.

Elderly Bathing Chair – Shower Model

A Shower Chair manufactured by Ayudas Dinámicas has been developed to offer a comfortable and safe shower, even in a small space.

  • Seat with drains and handles for maximum protection;
  • Extendable legs with non-slip feet;
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance;
  • Suitable for users up to 100 kg.

Elderly Bathing Chair – Bath Model

This model, also designed by Ayudas Dinámicaswas designed especially for bathtubs. By putting two legs in and two legs out of the tub, the transfer is more comfortable and risk-free.

  • Made of aluminum;
  • Plastic bench with drainage holes;
  • Its design allows part of the chair to be inside and part to be outside, making daily cleaning even more practical and simple.

More information? Do you have any questions before you decide to buy a shower chair? Talk to us: our team is entirely available to help you make the right decision for your needs. Contact us at +351 244 852 257 (physical store) or +351 244 233 085 or send e-mail to

Loja Ortopédica ® – We know and have what you need!

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