#StaySafe: Protection Produtcts for a New Normal
The state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic ended last April 3rd, while we witnessed a flattening of the new cases curve. We now live in a state of calamity and we are preparing, step by step, to return to a new normality. This new way of life implies that we learn to live with the virus, with new habits and the same care.
The 4th of May marked the beginning of the lack of confinement and local commerce, hairdressers, manicures and similar, bookstores and automobile commerce resumed their activity. This phased opening provides for an increase in the flow of people, which implies changes in everyday life and more attention to the way we behave.
In order not to lose everything that has been achieved so far, it is important to maintain social distancing behaviors, as well as constant hand disinfection and the use of a protective mask, now mandatory in public transport and closed spaces.
Loja Ortopédica wants to make the transition to the new normal as safe as possible. The #StaySafe page provides disposable protection masks and disinfectant gel, as well as other personal protection products.
Protection Masks

For a long time, the need for constant use of a protective mask, its role and true effectiveness in preventing the spread of the virus was discussed. After some controversy, it was decided that its use is advisable in closed spaces and mandatory in public transport.
Anyone who disregards the mandatory use of protective masks or visors runs the risk of a fine of between €120 and €350, according to the diploma. In some metro and train stations, it is possible to buy a protective mask, gloves and disinfectant gel from automatic machines.
However, leaving large urban centers and public transport stations, it is more difficult to find personal protection materials around the corner, so it is ideal that you leave home with a mask. Disposable masks are sold individually, made up of 3 layers of non-woven fabric, very flexible, hypoallergenic and without fiberglass.
Disinfectant Gel

Constant hand hygiene remains highly advisable. At home, you can wash your hands with soap and water, but when this is not possible, it is recommended that you carry a disinfectant gel or an alcohol-based solution that eliminates microorganisms from the surface of your hands.
This is also a product available from vending machines at metro and train stations. However, it is likely that you will not find these machines anywhere, especially if, once again, you do not live in large urban centers. So it’s best that you take a small gel pack with you, so you can sanitize your hands when you need to.
We propose the packaging of 100ml of hand sanitizer gel with alcohol. The formula follows the indications of the World Health Organization (WHO) and also has aloe vera, for more smoothness. For more efficiency, don’t forget about fingertips, nails and finger space.
In addition to these products, you should maintain social distancing behaviors and stay at home, if possible. When you do have to leave, keep the rules. The trick is to think of 2020: 20 seconds of washing your hands, 2 meters of distance between people and 0 apologies.
Step by step, day by day, we are winning this fight, but we cannot let our guard down. If you want to know what other products we have available to keep you and others safe, check out the #StaySafe page in our online store.
Doubts? Visit us at our physical store in Leiria and/or Online Loja Ortopédica
We know and we have what you need!
Loja Ortopédica®
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