Prevent Covid-19 Infection: All the Products You Need are Here

Scientists and experts around the world ensure that the best way to treat Covid-19 is, first and foremost, to prevent it from getting infected. How? Avoiding leaving the house and maintaining social isolation, techniques that are much more effective than any personal protective equipment. However, when this is not possible and it is even necessary to leave the house, to work or care for weaker relatives, for example, there are products that help to stop the transmission chains, to stop the propagation of the droplets through which the virus is transmitted.

The Orthopedic Store now has a new product category: Covid-19, consisting of items such as masks, goggles and latex gloves that prevent contagion. If you really need these products, you don’t have to leave your house to buy them. We make free and fast deliveries to mainland Portugal, Azores and Madeira.

Loja Ortopédica recalls that using these products is useless if you do not maintain isolation and social distance – the best weapons to stop the spread.

Protection Masks

Although the universal use of protective masks is controversial and there are opposing opinions, there is a certainty: they must be used by people who are contaminated or suspected of being contaminated. They should also be used by people on the front lines of fighting the virus, such as doctors, nurses, workers in nursing homes, geriatric technicians, firefighters, etc.

We also draw your attention to the need of correctly put on and remove the protective mask. There are different types of masks: ear straps, knots/tie or with straps. We leave a small guide that works with small with any of them:

Step 1: Wash your hands very well for at least 20 seconds or disinfect them with an alcohol-based gel.

Step 2: Confirm if the mask has any defect, if it is in perfect condition or if it has already been used. If you detect any anomaly, such as a tear, do not use it. Throw it away and find another one.

Step 3: Put the mask in the correct position. The upper part has a small support that must be fitted to the bridge of the nose.

Step 4: Put the mask on the right side. The white side of the mask is the inside, while the blue or other-colored side is the outside.

Step 5: Put on the mask according to the type of application: with ear straps, tie or bands. Adjust on nose with index finger and thumb.

Step 6: Adjust the mask on the face and chin. After making sure the mask is securely attached, make sure it covers your mouth, nose, and even under your chin.

Removing the protective mask correctly is even more important. If any droplet falls on the outside of the mask and it touches the skin when you take it off, the mask will eventually not fulfill its function. We leave the steps to correctly remove your mask:

Step 1: Wash or disinfect your hands very well.

Step 2: To remove the mask, just touch the ends, undo the knots and hold it around until you discard the mask.

Step 3: If you are at home, put the used mask in a tightly closed plastic bag and dispose of it in the trash.

The Covid-19 section of Loja Ortopédica has disposable ear straps protection masks. They are very flexible, hypoallergenic, made up of 3 layers of non-woven and fiberglass-free. Prevents the transmission of particles in a hospital, laboratory, industrial or other environment.

Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile gloves are another very important personal protective equipment, as we use our hands for everything we do in everyday life and because many of us are in the habit of holding our hands to our faces to scratch our eyes, to chew the nails, etc. However, the DGS (Directorate-General of Health) has already warned that “inappropriately used, they can be a transmission vehicle.” Wearing gloves does not mean you have to stop washing and disinfecting your hands regularly.

Gloves must also be removed in a specific way so that they do not touch the outside of the glove. The rule is never to touch the outside of the glove with your fingers, so that the inside of the glove only touches the inside and the outside is only in contact with the outside.

In the Covid-19 Section, you have powder free nitrile gloves. A product for health professionals, food and anyone who feels the need to use them. They come in 150 and 200 unit boxes, are ambidextrous and made from nitrile.

Protection Goggles

The Protection Goggles are not primary equipment to protect yourself from Covid-19 contagion. However, if you are a health care professional, firefighter, geriatrician, etc., this can be important protective equipment. Another device that can be used is a visor with a lower opening.

Like other equipment, the glasses protect the contagion through contaminated droplets. In addition, it prevents people from scratching or touching their eyes, transporting the virus present in their hands to the interior of the body.

Loja Ortopédica has protective glasses that fit the contour of the face and protect the front and sides from the entry of objects and particles at high speed. They are made of polycarbonate and 2.4mm thick eyepiece.

Loja Ortopédica once again insists that the best way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to stay at home, maintaining isolation and social distance. We appeal to all customers to act responsibly, consciously and altruistically, bearing in mind that Portugal and the Portuguese are going through an exceptional situation that requires sacrifices from everyone.

Our small contribution includes making free deliveries, facilitating purchases and ensuring that our customers do not have to leave the house, putting their health and that of their families at home.

If you have any questions about any of the equipment listed or others on the Covid-19 page, please contact us. By telephone, through the numbers +351 244 852 257 or +351 919 062 695, or via one of our emails which you can consult on our contact page.

Thank you!

Loja Ortopédica®

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