Rare Diseases, Mobility and Walking Aids: The Walker
The World Rare Disease Day is marked on the last day of February in more than 80 countries, with the aim of raising awareness of their diagnosis, as well as the associated difficulties and problems.
In Portugal, it is estimated that there are about 600,000 to 800,000 people with this type of disease, which often has associated limitations in mobility.

What are rare diseases
In Europe, chronic, serious, degenerative diseases affecting fewer than 5 people per 10,000 are defined as rare. Thus, the rare disease is chronic and predominantly debilitating.
Because it is uncommon, this type of illness requires efforts and intervention from several areas, particularly genetic and pharmacological research, without neglecting social responses and supporting therapeutic products. The challenges posed by rare diseases are endless, so integration of various areas is required for holistic treatment.
Rare diseases in the world
Despite their low prevalence, some 8,000 rare diseases (mostly genetic) have already been identified and are estimated to affect 40 million people in Europe, particularly children.
Worldwide, more than 300 million people live with one or more rare diseases:
- They affect between 3.5% and 5.9% of the world’s population.
- 72% of rare diseases are genetic, while others result from infections (bacterial or viral), allergies, and environmental causes, or are considered degenerative and proliferative.
- 70% of genetic diseases arise during childhood.
The Challenges
The scarcity of scientific knowledge and qualitative information about this type of disease is undoubtedly a major problem.
Because there are several disorders and symptoms that can hide underlying rare diseases, as well as different manifestations among patients with the same pathology, late or incorrect diagnosis is common.
In addition, the diversity of clinical practices and the lack of information can also lead to incorrect referral and delayed intervention in urgent and emergency situations.
Finally, it is important to recognize and highlight the need for adapted and quality health care at various levels, depending on the type and degree of the disease, not always of equal access for all people/families.
Rare Diseases, Mobility and Walking Aids: The Walker
The Orthopedic Store also intends to be a resource and a contribution in products for support and care of rare diseases, such as bone dysplasias, which often have associated difficulties or limitations in mobility and gait, both in pediatric and adult age.
The Pediatric section of the Ortopédica Store offers a wide range of products from children’s wheelchairs, infant walkers and baby walkers, orthopedic products, diagnostic equipment and hospital and clinical supplies, always with the well-being of the little ones as a primary concern.
We highlight, for example, the Child Fixed Walker, an aluminum structure, handles, and non-slip tips, essential for teaching and supporting walking, contributing to their training and development in greater safety. In many cases of rare diseases that cause limitations in mobility, the walker is an indispensable element in the autonomy of children.

Similarly, the Bat Pediatric Standing Frame is a multi-position stander that allows children who cannot stand up by themselves to move from the horizontal to the vertical position, i.e., assume the supine position. With the torso and pelvis section adjustable in height and depth via the center column, this stander also allows various independent adjustments to the knee and foot supports. With an abduction function (optional), it has double restraint belts for greater safety.

Mobility aids are essential to ensure the independence and autonomy of those with motor difficulties often caused by rare diseases. Loja Ortopédica’s offer of Mobility products for adults was made by a team of dedicated professionals who selected the manual and electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, and other materials such as transfers and walking aids(walkers) based on rigorous criteria of quality, resistance, and comfort.
If you have been diagnosed with any type of rare disease or are supporting someone in this situation, please contact us so that we can recommend the best product and care for you.
Learn about the worldwide initiatives organized by the rare disease community to mark World Rare Disease Day 2021: Rare Disease Day.
Loja Ortopédica ® – We know and have what you need!
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