Bedsores: what they are, how to treat them, and how to prevent them
Bedsores, or pressure sores, are sores that appear on the skin when one spends a long time in the same position, due to a lack of blood supply and nutrients in certain parts of the body. Bedsores appear more often in people with reduced mobility and who spend a lot of time in the same position (medical name for the position in which a person lies down), such as hospital patients, bedridden patients, or paraplegic patients.
Because they spend more time in contact with the bed, some parts of the body are more prone to bedsores than others. The most problematic parts are the head, back, elbows, area above the coccyx, top and side of the femur, hip joint, buttocks, and heels, and these are the parts of the body that the caregiver or nurse should be most attentive to.
Bedsores cause pain, discomfort, and exude a particularly unpleasant odor, and although they start with just a small, fully treatable wound, they can develop into an infection that reaches deeper layers of the skin.
The best way to prevent bedsores is to alternate decubitus frequently. One way to avoid forgetting is for the caregiver to write down the time when he or she last changed position, or set an alarm reminding the caregiver of the next one.
1 – As explained above, the number one rule to prevent bedsores is to frequently change the patient’s position. You should do this every 2 hours;
2 – Moisturize the patient’s skin frequently. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most recommended cream;
3 – Every day, analyze the pressure points of the body. The slightest redness or bruising should be considered a warning sign;
4 – Be informed about the correct way to change the patient’s position in bed;
5 – Hygiene care is very important. Do not aggressively rub the patient’s skin, dry it well, and finally moisturize it thoroughly;
6 – The bedding should preferably be made of cotton and should be well stretched and without folds;
7. Change diapers frequently for patients with urinary and fecal incontinence;
8 – Stimulate the patient’s movement, respecting his/her physical and motor limitations;
9 – Keep the patient’s diet healthy, rich in nutrients and with plenty of hydration.
In addition to following all the above recommendations, it is also advisable to adopt some specific equipment to prevent bedsores, such as pillows and mattresses.
Pillows are the best option for paraplegics and elderly people who, despite still having some mobility, spend a lot of time sitting and have their buttocks, coccyx area, and back constantly under pressure.
A Viscoelastic Premium Anti-Bedsores Cushion is a great value for money option and is the best alternative for people who spend long periods of time sitting. It improves the distribution of pressure on the body, facilitates blood circulation, and provides more comfort and stability.

Gel pads are also a good alternative for the elderly. The secret of these cushions is that they move with the user, not against him, considerably decreasing the risk of pressure ulcers.
For bedridden patients, an anti-sores mattress is recommended. With a waterproof and easily washable cover, the base of the Viscoelastic Mattress Essential is made with high resilience foam and viscoelastic material, which offers comfort and protection against pressure ulcers.

We have already explained some procedures to follow to avoid bedsores. But what to do when these have already appeared on the patient’s skin?
Bedsores can have different degrees of severity, which influences the type of treatment. All bedsores begin with a small wound or hematoma, which, if not treated correctly, evolves and gains depth, reaching muscles, tendons, bones, or organs.
In the beginning, the treatment consists of improving the blood circulation by massages with very fatty oils and creams. When the wounds are already open and deep, you should take the patient to the doctor or health center as soon as possible. A dressing can make a difference in the treatment of bedsores, and you can find out what kind of ointments and creams you should use so that you don’t risk further damaging the wounds.
What are the degrees of severity of bedsores?
Grade 1 – The lesion affects the superficial layers of the skin. A redness appears in the area, which, if the pressure on the site is relieved, disappears some time later;
Grade 2 – A small watery blister appears. The wound begins to reach deeper layers of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, which is reflected in something that can create a small hole in the affected area;
Grade 3 – Appearance of necrosis of subcutaneous tissue (dead cells). The lesion eventually reaches muscle, takes on a purplish color, and in some cases creates a nodule;
Grade 4 – Appearance of deep wounds, necrosis of muscles and tendons. At this stage, the injury is already quite deep and it is normal for bones and joints to be exposed.
If you have any questions about bedsores or their treatment, you should consult your doctor and follow the recommended treatment. If you have any questions about pressure ulcer products and how they work, please contact us.
Visit us on our website at www.lojaortopedica.pt or contact us from the contact form to choose the most appropriate anti bedsore products for your current situation.
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